Sadaam is like Che? Pro-fascist British MP George Galloway thinks so
George Galloway, the supporter of recently dead fascist Iraqi dictator Sadaam Hussein, has said that:[P]ictures of Saddam on the gallows would be used like the image of Che that has adorned millions of posters.
The Respect MP said: "The foolishly videotaped pictures of Saddam twisting on a rope fashioned by the illegal occupiers who overthrew him will return to haunt those who directed them."
He said they "would encourage others to take up the sword in decades to come" like images of Che.
Well I am not the sort of left-winger who misses an opportunity. Which of the following pictures of Sadaam would sell better on a T-shirt, do you think?
'Father of the Country'
'The King in Exile'
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His point was that the Western-backed imperialistic and incredibly hypocritical killing of Saddam will automatically turn him into a Che-like martyr in the eyes of many across the Middle East who are suffering at the hands of the West. He wasn't saying that in his eyes he is comparable to Che. Che is one of Galloway's heroes while he has time and again spoke out against Saddam Hussein's crimes. Duh.
But why let the facts get in the way of a tedious dig at Galloway eh?
I disagree with Galloway's analysis as well. The majority of those who oppose the West in the Middle East generally appear to be led by jihadi-type Islamofascists. They hold pictures of Osama Bin-Laden, not Sadaam.
If Che is indeed a hero of Galloway, that is another point against Galloway as far as I am concerned.
Che was a romantic who failed to study the concrete conditions in Bolivia when he went there to lead revolution. That is why he died.
[Galloway] has time and again spoke out against Saddam Hussein's crimes. Duh.
"Sir, I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability."
Stinging words, huh? I bet Sadaam just hated hearing that.
But why let the facts get in the way of a tedious dig at Galloway eh?
Will you be criticising Galloway for his tedious dig at the elected Iraqi government - who Galloway calls 'Baghdad puppets'?
You should get out more.
What Galloway said years ago has come to pass and this is a fact. Further, we now have a media campaign throwing up the same old rubbish and lies just before an election where RESPECT will clean the floor with New Labour.
Leave the red top propaganda to one side and look at the facts – he's right and we should all be scared.
The use of Che here is a distraction from the real message.
"What Galloway said years ago has come to pass and this is a fact.
What in particular, sam mcnair?
"...just before an election where RESPECT will clean the floor with New Labour.
'clean the floor'? That's a big call. Take a few heavily-Muslim seats away, perhaps, but I doubt they'll do anything like threaten Labour's status as a 'top two' party.
And will Galloway be in control of it by then, or even have much influence?
As I understand it from a long way away, Galloway has no organisational base in Respect. His base is his own Parliamentary seat, his own personal following and his media profile.
Could he hold onto selection in Bethnal Green and Bow if the SWP activists and the political Muslims united against him?
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