How to Vote Card - the Best Weblog Awards 2006
Voting is on for the The 2006 Best Weblog Awards
Blogs I think you should vote for:
Best Australian or New Zealand Blog (click here to vote)
The Bartlett Diaries
Why? Senator Bartlett actually engages and debates with people on his site, instead of just repeating slogans.
Best UK Blog (click here to vote)
Harry's Place
Why? Well, with the amount of commenting I have done there, it would be churlish not to back them. Sometimes too right-wing for me, and sometimes too blindly pro-Israel, but a good place for a knock-down debate/argument. And they have picked up at least one of my ideas this year.
Best Business Blog (click here to vote)
Superb site with a real sense of community. Blogger Darren Rowse gives out loads of free advice and support to people who want to blog for a living.
Best Technolgy Blog (click here to vote)
Useful, interesting site explaining useful tricks and tips that save time.
Best Video Blog (click here to vote)
I admire the sheer audacity of the 'fake' video blog that hit the big time. Skill at production and finding an audience. Nice.
Best Online Community (Click here to vote)
Full of hilarious, timewasting jokes and pictures. And with over 10 000 votes already, it is streets ahead of the next nominee, DailyKos, a US, blindly pro-Democratic party site, with around 1450 votes. Good. Jump on this bandwagon NOW.
You can vote once per day, and voting closes on December 15th at 11.59pm New York time, which is 3.59pm on December 16th in Sydney, or 2.59pm in daylight-saving-less Brisbane.
When the nominations for the Best Australian blog awards come out, I'll have a how to vote card for them as well. If you'd like to try a simple way to get all new stories from Let's Take Over (and many other sites) sent to one place,
click here for info on the Let's Take Over 'news feed' (sometimes called an 'RSS feed' or 'XML')
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